For each field, standardization was conducted separately for each of the seven years (2006C2012) and the mean of the seven standardized values was calculated to reflect the relative amount of patent applications in that field; meanwhile, regression analysis using time (year) and the standardized values of patent applications in seven years (2006C2012) was conducted so as to evaluate the trend of patent applications in each field

For each field, standardization was conducted separately for each of the seven years (2006C2012) and the mean of the seven standardized values was calculated to reflect the relative amount of patent applications in that field; meanwhile, regression analysis using time (year) and the standardized values of patent applications in seven years (2006C2012) was conducted so as to evaluate the trend of patent applications in each field. these ten fields of oncology was standardized based on patent applications of oncology Acenocoumarol from 2006 to 2012. Acenocoumarol For each field, standardization was conducted separately for each of the seven years (2006C2012) and the mean of the seven standardized values was calculated to reflect the relative amount of patent applications in that field; meanwhile, regression analysis using time (year) and the standardized values of patent applications in seven years (2006C2012) was conducted so as to evaluate the trend of patent applications in each field. Two-dimensional quadrant analysis, together with the professional knowledge of oncology, was Acenocoumarol taken into consideration in determining the key fields of oncology. The fields located in the quadrant with high relative amount or increasing trend of patent applications are identified as key ones. By using the same method, the key technical points in each key field were identified. Altogether 116,820 patents of oncology applied from 2006 to 2012 were retrieved, and four key fields with twenty-nine key technical points were identified, including natural products and polymers with nine key technical points, fermentation industry with twelve ones, electrical medical equipment with four ones, and diagnosis, surgery with four ones. Conclusions/Significance The results of this study could provide guidance on the development direction of oncology, and also help researchers broaden innovative ideas and discover new technological opportunities. Introduction Cancer is reported as the second major cause of deaths following cardiovascular disease and has become one of the leading threat worldwide [1,2]. With the development of sciences, the goal of curing cancer or Acenocoumarol prolonging the lives of cancer patients is achievable, but it is unable to curb the spread of crisis effectively just relying on the therapy. Therefore, it is very necessary to grasp the development direction of oncology, and discover new technological opportunities. The field of oncology develops rapidly and studies involving oncology is closely related to other subjects, including epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, drug discovery, diagnosis and treatment, surgery and so on [3C9]. In addition, studies related to oncology also involves scientometrics, such as publication quality [10], collaboration patterns [11], comparison of citation and usage indicators [12], and co-authorship network [13]. However, most of the scientometrics researches concerning oncology are mainly about external features, and there were few ones with regard to analyzing the inner characteristics. To our knowledge, there has been no identification and analysis of key fields and key technical points in oncology by patent analysis. Patents are one of the results and performance in the form of technological innovation, and can reflect the level of technological innovation. Patent analysis is a primary informatics method used for analyzing key technology [14C16]. This study discusses the technology distribution and development trend of oncology based on patent analysis. The purpose was to identify the key fields of oncology and their key technical points by quantitative analysis including patentometrics, regression analysis and two-dimensional quadrant analysis, combined with qualitative analysis by oncology specialists. The results KEL can provide an objective statistical research that government can use to optimize allocation of resources from the point of macro look at, and also help experts broaden innovative suggestions and discover fresh technological opportunities. Materials and Methods Ethics Statement This study is about the bibliometrics of oncology, and the subject investigated is definitely patents of oncology. It does not involve human being subject study or animal study, and no patient records/info and clinical records are included. Consequently, no ethics issue is definitely involved in this study. Materials Data were collected from your Thomson Advancement (TI) Database of Thomson Reuters using search strategy based on subject terms. Subject terms related to oncology were neoplasm* OR tumor* OR malignancy* OR neoplasia. In this study, patents related to oncology applied from 2006 to 2012 were looked and collected from TI database, and then 116,820 patents were acquired. Patent data were imported into Thomson Data Analyzer 3.0 (TDA, Thomson Reuters Co.,.

For each field, standardization was conducted separately for each of the seven years (2006C2012) and the mean of the seven standardized values was calculated to reflect the relative amount of patent applications in that field; meanwhile, regression analysis using time (year) and the standardized values of patent applications in seven years (2006C2012) was conducted so as to evaluate the trend of patent applications in each field
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