Raises in these antibodies cause the risk for a positive cross-match and this makes the transplantation contraindicated [1,2,5]

Raises in these antibodies cause the risk for a positive cross-match and this makes the transplantation contraindicated [1,2,5]. was 1.3 mg/dL (0.69C4.5). Graft loss occurred in only one individual and was due to hemophagocytic syndrome and acute rejection. During follow up, creatinine elevation was seen in 12 individuals (4%) in the early postoperative period. These individuals were thought to have transplant rejection, and therapy for rejection was given. The therapy was successful. Graft survival was calculated to be 96 3.5%, and none of the patients were lost. strong class=”kwd-title” Keywords: Graft Survival, Renal transplantation, Mix match ?zet Ama? B?brek transplantasyonu, beklenen ya?am sresi, ekonomik ve ya?am kalitesi bak?m?ndan, child d?nem b?brek hastal???n?n se?kin bir tedavisidir. IgM antikorlar?n?n al?c? serumunda bulunmas?, renal transplantasyon i?in kontrendike de?ildir. Ancak bu antikorlar tamamen masum de?ildir. Baz? h?zlanm?? veya hiperakut rejeksiyon olgular?nda, IgM otoantikorlar? sorumlu tutulmu?tur. Bu ?al??mada; LCM IgM pozitif olan al?c?larda yap?lan canl? vericili b?brek naklindeki greft ve hasta sa? kal?m? sonu?lar?m?z incelenmi?tir. Gere? ve Y?ntem Ocak 2006Ca?ustos 2008 tarihleri aras?nda Akdeniz niversitesi Organ Nakli Merkezinde, LCM IgM pozitif canl? don?rden b?brek nakli uygulanan 32 hastan?n verileri geriye d?nk olarak de?erlendirildi. Bulgular Hastalar?n ortalama ya?? 3413.5 (9C66)ti. Olgular?n 20si erkek, 12si kad?n olup, ortalama diyaliz ile tedavi sreleri 22.9430.06 (0C120) ayd?. Nakil olan hastalarda so?uk iskemi sresi ise 28.635.85 (21C42) dakikayd?. Sonu? Takip sresince ortalama kreatin dzeyi 1.3 mg/dl idi (0.69C4.5). Sadece bir hastada, hemofagositik sendrom ve akut rejeksiyon nedeni ile greft kayb? g?zlendi. Takip sresince olgular?n 4nde (%12) postoperatif erken d?nemde kreatin ykselmesi tespit edildi. Olgular?n rejeksiyon ata?? ge?irdi?i d?nlerek rejeksiyon tedavisi uyguland? ve tedaviye yan?t al?nd?. Herhangi bir hasta kayb? olmaks?z?n BGP-15 greft sa? kal?m? %963.5 oran?nda sa?land?. Intro Renal transplantation is a well-known treatment for end stage renal disease (ESRD). It is superior to hemodialysis in terms of expected life span, economy, and quality of life. The living of anti HLA antibodies limits the success of renal transplantation as it may cause acute humoral rejection. Blood transfusions, pregnancy and earlier transplantations increase level of sensitivity to human being leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibodies. Raises in these antibodies cause the risk for a positive cross-match and this makes the transplantation contraindicated [1,2,5]. The living of high levels of lymphotoxic antibodies has been found to be related with an increased incidence of delayed graft function, development of acute rejection, and shortness of graft survival [1,2,3]. The living of IgG antibodies against the donor in the recipient is definitely a strong contraindication for transplantation. The living of IgM antibodies in the recipient serum does not constitute a contraindication for transplantation because most of these antibodies are autoantibodies. However, IgM autoantibodies are clinically relevant. IgM antibodies have been reported to be responsible for some accelerated or hyperacute rejections [4]. In this study, graft and patient survival results after renal transplantations from living donors to LCM IgM-positive recipients have been evaluated. Materials and Methods Data P21 from 32 individuals with LCM IgM-positive antibodies who underwent living donor renal transplantation between January 2006 and August 2008 at Akdeniz University or college Organ Transplantation Center have been retrospectively evaluated. The mean age of the individuals was 34 13.5 BGP-15 (9C66) years. The mean age of the donors was 48.7 12.0 BGP-15 (27C75) years. Twenty of the individuals were male, and twelve were female. The demographic characteristics of the individuals are offered in table I. Eight individuals underwent preemptive transplantation, twenty-two individuals were undergoing hemodialysis (3 times per week for 4 hours), and two were undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). The mean period of dialysis was 22.94 30.06 (0C120) weeks. The ESRD etiologies of the individuals are outlined in Table II. BGP-15 None of the individuals underwent prior transplantation. The mean length of cool ischemia was 28.63 5.85 (21C42) minutes. Desk 1. Demographic features of the sufferers thead th colspan=”2″ valign=”middle” align=”still left” rowspan=”1″ Demographic features of the sufferers /th /thead Age group (years)34 13.55 (9C66)Sex M/F20/12Number of patients treated with.

Raises in these antibodies cause the risk for a positive cross-match and this makes the transplantation contraindicated [1,2,5]
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